Volunteers are an important component in the delivery of community and social services in Richmond. Volunteering creates opportunities to develop news skills and make new friends.
Many City Services are delivered with the participation and support of community volunteers.
Advisory Groups
At the Council level, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities on Advisory Boards and Committees. These groups advise City Council and contribute to the decision making process in local government. Vacancies are advertised in the newspaper and on this website when terms expire.
At the department level there are several committees that are formed to assist departments in planning and decision making. Examples include the Cycling Committee, and the Richmond Committee for the Disabled.
Community Service Programs
There are numerous volunteer groups that assist the City in the delivery of community services.
The City Archives offers volunteer opportunities through the Friends of the Archives.
In addition, City departments and agencies work in partnership with a variety of Boards, such as the Library Board, the Art Gallery Board, the Community Arts Council and the Community Associations that help to run the City's recreation, heritage and cultural facilities. See the list of Community Associations for a list of boards.
There are numerous volunteer opportunities within the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department. See Parks & Recreation Volunteer Opportunities and Volunteer Opportunities with the Art Gallery.
You may also register for volunteer opportunities:
There are also several interesting volunteer opportunities in the field of public safety and emergency response.
In the Community at Large
In addition to volunteer opportunities with the City, there are hundreds of local community volunteer groups that work to provide services in Richmond. See the Community Organizations list for volunteer opportunities in the community.